Shabby Theme

Sunday, September 16, 2012

Waves of Time

Such an uneventful Sunday morning spent in bed, with my coffee cup in hand, my hubby and the pups fast asleep beside me. These morning are the BEST! When you can just sit and soak in the good vibes. Sun shining into the pasture is what I can see from my big bedroom windows. I can also look out and see the Ocean, which is BY FAR my favorite view. The ocean is where I belong. Ever since I was a little girl, being at the ocean was such a healing place. Peaceful yet so majestic and mysterious, there really is no place I've ever been that gives me the amazing feeling I get when I feel like time stands still and my feet are placed on the edge where the water meets the sand. It really is MY place! I feel the Lord in the power of the waves and the gentleness of the tide.

This could be THE reason I love living where I do. I can get to the ocean in 5 minutes flat! Whether I just want to stare at the waves, climb in and let the salt water soak into my skin or close my eyes and sit on the edge and breath in the fresh air, and let it revive me. To me, being by the ocean is best place to BE.

The last few weeks I've been struggling with finding TIME! Sitting in the Dr's office and waiting for your name to be called can be the slowest movement of time, while dinner with friends seems so fast! You sit, you chat and all of the sudden you're walking back to your car checking your watch wondering how it flew by so fast?!

As an adult it just seems like there aren't enough hours in the day to get the to-do list completed AND do the "fun" things. So, with all of this being said, I am really learning how to manage my time. I want to Enjoy this amazing life I have, but I also need to be faithful with all of the responsibilities in my life. I'm learning to just breath in and out and let life take it's course. There are SO many things to do and so many things I've already done. My life is Blessed and I just want to soak in the Goodness of each day, not stressing myself out because I HAVE TO GET STUFF DONE!!

As I stared at the ocean this morning, it reminded me of this time thing and the constant battle I have with it. It was just a reminder to take Time, live Life and make sure to keep the Balance between the hours rolling by and the moments of amazing-ness when time stands still and my feet are placed on the edge where the water meets the sand.

How do you manage time? Do you have a special place you FEEL is YOUR place?



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