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Friday, June 29, 2012

3 Ways to Lose Belly Fat

THREE tips to say GOODBYE to belly fat!

Isn’t this THE question of ALL questions??

People are always asking me, how did you get a flat stomach? What abdominal workout do you do?

Well, I can tell you this, I didn’t put one of those abdominal belts on to electrify the fat away, nor did I do 700 crunches a day, and I don’t even have a fancy ab machine...

The honest truth! Abs are made in the kitchen, by eating fiber rich veggies, lean proteins and drinking lots of water. YES, abdominal exercises definitely help, but if you’re not eating right, your belly fat WILL NOT go away!

Here are my FAVORITE tips --->  {that work!}


1)  Eat foods rich in FIBER and PROTEIN.

Start your day off with a protein shake or fiber cereal. Eat foods like carrotsticks & hummus, an apple, almonds, cheese and whole grain crackers for snacks. For dinner, make a huge salad with lean protein. Dark, leafy greens are best! Don’t ever completely cut carbs {supposable belly fatteners} out of your daily meals. If you’re going to limit carbs, try to limit them in the evenings when you body will most likely not burn them as fast. Personally I lower my carb intake after 3, I don’t completely cut them out, I just don’t make them the main focus of snacks or dinner.

2)  Don’t “spot train”.

What I mean is don’t just do abdominal workouts! To burn fat you have to get your heart rate UP... CARDIO! Doing a million sit ups, isn’t going to work. You have to do an all-over body routine. There are some AMAZING fitness routines to scorch calories and burn fat, if you need help finding one for you, E-mail me! Getting your heart rate up means, jogging, running, brisk walking, jumping jacks, jumping rope, kickboxing, swimming, sprints, ashtanga yoga, etc. When you can feel your heartbeat in your chest, you are doing cardio!

3)  Hydrate. WATER!

It’s essential for life, it’s also essential for belly fat loss. Water has a TON of nutritional benefits, too many to list, but here are a few: Helps your muscles and organs to work properly, clears your skin, fills you up, gives you energy, promotes a higher metabolism. I know, I know, water is so boring. Well, glam it up, add fruit slices, mint or cucumber. It may be boring, but it’s benefits are amazing, so drink up!



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