I have Braxton Hicks contractions every day, all day! Also, everyday I'll have quite a few really strong menstrual-like cramps. Every contraction is one step closer to meeting my son which is VERY exciting.
Walking for any period over 10 minutes is NOT COOL. I have to sit at least every 10 minutes or I have major contractions and then it's too late to find a place to sit and I just have to stand and breathe through my contraction which won't stop until I sit... Good practice for the upcoming birth.
Nesting is kind of here, kind of not. We are totally prepared for Moses, the ONLY thing we haven't done is pack our hospital bag which is TOTALLY not something to "wait till the last minute" but we have. Maybe we'll work on that tonight!! The pic below is really how I'm going about this whole nesting thing...
Being this far along in pregnancy is definitely a challenge. My pregnancy has been AMAZING, no real complaints. But this last week has been pretty rough.
-Hot flashes that DO NOT stop {a constant state of sweat dripping down my neck, SEXY!}
-NO SLEEP- Possibly because I'm propped up against hot pillows and icepacks, I have to pee every 10 minutes and my hips are sore from only being able to sleep on my hips for the last 5 or so months.
-Walking- uugh! Waddle, waddle & then stop for a contraction... Baby is SO low I feel like he may fall out...
-Exercise- I've been getting in the pool everyday, LOVE the weightless-ness of swimming AND the fact that it's cold water which helps with the overheating feeling.
-Water consumption- WOW! I carry a 33oz Camelbak water bottle with me EVERYWHERE and I drink about 6 of them a day. That's 198 oz of water a day. Way over my body weight which is the minimum I want to drink everyday. YAY for me. I'm thirsty all the time and if I forget my bottle {which has happened twice} I panic and pull into the closest mini-mart to pick up a gallon jug. Water is my BFF right now, that is for sure!
- Weight Gain- I want to the doc at the beginning of the week and I lost 2 lbs... LOVED SEEING THAT ;) I don't know how or why, but it happened and I won't complain.
-Complaining- I'm really trying to not complain, but 95% of the time I'm pretty miserable... Just uncomfortable doing anything. I guess that's 9 months pregnant??
I got a pedicure this week, a massage and the hubby bought me an air conditioner :D Overall, a great week!! I'm hoping this next week will be a tad more active if ya know what I mean... ;)
Here I am this week: comfy dresses are my lifesaver. They are lightweight, they are flowy and I still feel cute in them.
ReplyDeleteYou good great. I will be thinking of you often this coming week and pray that God blesses you with a smooth delivery.
Viki Berry
Thanks Viki! You are a dear :)