This morning I was awaken by my alarm clock at 6am!!!! ON A SATURDAY!!?? Yes. I popped out of bed, got ready and headed into town to meet up with a study group from my Hawaiian Studies class. It was a take-home exam... My favorite kind of test! We found a cute little coffee place, Wailuku Coffee Company - Their motto : Where the Hip come to Sip. LOVE IT :) So laptop and coffee in hand I spent half my day studying.
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On the way home I stopped by Whole Foods to get a couple essentials...
Voskos Greek Yogurt is amazing!! I used to buy the sweetened stuff, but now I buy the nonfat plain & save 1/2 the calories and with a whopping 24 grams of protein per serving, it satisfies my sweet tooth and keeps me full and satisfied! The KEY to enjoying this amazing stuff is a drizzle of honey and sliced strawberries. SO YUM!
This Organic 365 Coffee Creamer is delish! I'm always trying different kinds of NATURAL creamers... The artificial ones are SO bad for you and leave a gross aftertaste... This one tastes good, a little goes a long way and it comes in Vanilla (as shown), Hazelnut and Plain.
Also today, I started my {Live Abundantly} Bible study. LOVE it! Life may be busy, crazy and full of STUFF, but I feel centered and at peace when I spend time in the Word. I get refreshed and remember my roots, where I come from and who I am. I. Am. Blessed.